Yoni Steam
Rejuvenate your yoni from the inside out. Yoni steams help to regulate mentstrual cycle, lessen bloating and period cramps, and cleanse the vagina and uterus.
Add 1/4 cup of herbs to a cotton bag or tea ball. Steep in 6 cups of boiled water for 10 minutes. Place in steam chair or bowl and allow to cool to a warm steam. If steam is too hot allow it to cool to avoid injury.
WARNING: Do not use while pregnant or menstruating.
If irritation, redness, or discomfort occurs discontinue use and consult a licensed health care practitioner. Keep out of reach of children.
Rose Petals, Red Raspberry Leaves, Lavender, Rosemary, Lemon Balm, Yarrow Root, Himalayan Pink Sea Salt.